Welcome to Everton Nursery School and Family Centre.
Mission Statement
The mission of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is to promote the children’s educational and social development and help families have and achieve high expectations for themselves and the community.
On behalf of all the Staff and Governors I would like to welcome all children and their families.
We look forward to working with you.
The Nursery School and Children's Centre is open 8.00a.m. to 3.30p.m.
Telephone: 0151 233 1969
Telephone calls to the Nursery School and Children's Centre can be supported during this time period. Outside of these times the telephones and reception are not staffed. If you wish to report a child's absence please use Arbor or leave a message on the answer machine.
Please note the waiting areas for classes are via two different entrances. Parents are asked to wait in the designated areas for their child’s class.
Spencer classes
Children are to wait in the staff car park with their parents in Spencer Street.
Cresswell and Heyworth classes
Children are to wait in the waiting area at the back of the school/centre accessed via the Forest School path gate from Spencer Street visitors car park.
Benvinguts a l'escola bressol i al centre familiar d'Everton.
Actualment, les visites a la nostra llar d'infants són limitades. Mentrestant, consulteu a continuació les nostres visites virtuals de les nostres classes que experimenten els nens. Heyworth són les nostres classes de 2-3 anys i Cresswell i Spencer són les nostres classes de 3-5 anys.