Children's Centre
This project is part of the Liverpool City Region ESF Ways to Work Programme and is part-funded by the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative. The programme aims to support local people into work through job search, coaching and mentoring, work experience, training, skills development and information, advice and guidance.
Welcome to our Children's Centre
As an 'Outstanding' Children's Centre as recently judged by Ofsted in January 2011, we provide support for parents-to-be and children under five and their families. Early Intervention Family Workers and Community Engagement Workers are based at Everton to work in close partnership with parents and carers in the community to help improve family lives.
Our children's centre is one of 26 children's centre in Liverpool. Children's centres bring together care, education, health, community development and family services for families with children under five years old.
Our staff team works together with families and the community to provide the best possible learning, health and well-being outcomes for children.
We trust that your time at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre will be enjoyable and invite you to become fully involved in our activities.
Services for Families
Everton Nursery School and Family Centre offers a range of inclusive services for families. Most health and parent support services are provided at little or no cost to families.
Toilet Training - This highly popular programme is highly successful in teaching parents to help children be ready for school and be out of nappies.
Family Support - Our staff team are very experienced in family support. We offer outreach home visits to families where necessary. Your health visitor or midwife can refer you to the centre. You can also ring or drop in to ask one of our very friendly team for support.
Health and Well-being - Health promotion materials and activities on dental health, healthy eating and physical activity, child development and parenting information.
Health Visitor Clinics are held on our site every Tuesday afternoon.
Midwife booking in sessions are held on site every Tuesday all day.
Get Ready for Your Baby - Three sessions held in the later stages of your pregnancy. We work closely with the midwife to help you prepare for the arrival of your baby.
Speech and Language Therapists provide on site therapy and support with booked appointments.
Paediatric First Aid for parents - The centre regularly hosts paediatric first aid for parents to become trained in this important element of caring for very young children. Accidents do happen, and this programme will show you how to become confident in dealing with incidents and when to call the emergency services.
Learning and Care - As a parent or carer of a young child you are the main influence on your child's development. Early childhood learning and care activities exist to help you with this important role. These include:
Stay and Play - This will support your child in learning how to be social with other children.
Story and Rhyme - These are a wonderful opportunity to bring your child to develop a love of books and to begin learning to hold their attention and listening to short stories. Children will also learn lots of new nursery rhymes over the weeks.
Tummy Time - This is a new programme for the centre. We deliver this programme to help parents become more confident in encouraging baby to play on their tummy when they are awake. Babies soon learn how to roll and crawl from the tummy position.
Tots In Harmony - For babies and toddlers under 3 years old. A beautiful music session delivered by knowledgeable musicians who know and understand how young children learn through music. These weekly sessions are designed to support parents in watching how your baby learns through music.
Sensory Room - This enticing room is available for all our parents in the community. Allow your child to roam freely and safely in the soft play area and to explore the lights and colour water fountain.
Our Offer
We offer the best start for your child and many FREE high quality services and activities for you and your family to enjoy.